Archangel Uriel 21cm

Archangel Uriel places high importance on service since he understands that we cannot just know the divine message on our own.

When it comes to his personal, professional, and spiritual truths Uriel aims to get to the bottom of everything. There are times when the truth scares us. For this reason alone, Uriel may be considered terrifying.

He may show up when you least expect it or are least prepared to receive the truth. Don’t disregard or be afraid of his signals and promptings! It may be difficult to hear the truth, but it is vital that you accept it and allow it to change your heart.

Archangel Uriel will never lead you down an unknown path without a purpose. With his encouragement, he helps you to voice your truth in order to become the absolute best of yourself possible.

I’m sure you’ve heard this before, but the truth will free you. It’s time for you to let go of whatever is keeping you from being your most authentic self, according to Archangel Uriel!

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