If you're new to smudging, or just want to grab everything you need in the one pack, this is the perfect product for you. This smudge stick include an abalone shell for sage ash, a smudge stick and a smudging feather.
This kit provided use elements from the natural world, abalone shell, palo santo and feather. Palo santo sticks is also known as the holy wood. The palo santo sticks should be ignited at one end and gently blow to the ember until it starts to smoulder. Let the unlit end rest in the abalone shell supported with one hand and fan the smoke using the feather. You can do just one room or the entire dwelling. The natural amethyst crystal will balance your aura and give you a complete spiritual cleaning.
Shell - represents the water element
Feather- represents the air element
Palo Santo sticks- represents the Earth Element
Fire - represents the Fire Element
Smoke - (the result of all of these elements together) represents Akasha, Soul, Spirit, Energy